Rather than take a serious, thoughtful look at a global new religion expanding at historic levels, Channel 4 and its for-hire producers rehashed tired, preposterous myths invented and spread by a former Scientologist motivated by greed and anger. Because there are no facts to support Channel 4’s premise about Scientology, the producers instead relied on the same predictable embellishments, exaggerations and religious smears spun over the last four years to get media attention and to sell self-published print-on-demand books.
The reality is that the “star” of this amateurish production is a paranoid self-promoter who oozes self pity. What the documentary actually reveals is the pathetic end result of his deconstruction into insignificance.
The only “war” being waged exists in the irrational imagination of this individual and less than a handful of associates whose obsessions make up the heart of the program. His conflict is delusional. His hostility is inexplicable.