Marty Rathbun: Damned in His Own Words
“Many antisocial persons will freely confess to the most alarming crimes when forced to do so, but will have no faintest sense of responsibility for them.”
—L. Ron Hubbard
Through this website, a Rogues’ Gallery has been laid bare—their crimes revealed, their malfeasance disclosed and their stories exposed for the lies that they are.
In that regard, the liar’s game is over and all that remains is a shabby little story that begins like this...
Several years ago, three of these anti-Scientologists—chief apostate-cohorts Marty Rathbun, Mike Rinder and Tom DeVocht—were removed for flagrant criminality, gross misconduct and financial waste. When they were finally caught out, they teamed up and secretly descended on others in violence. And when caught out again, they spun their tales to the merchants of chaos.
Today they are bitter, broke and busted, motivated by only two things: getting paid and getting even.
Although that story has now been chronicled in full, one final word is due—their own words in their own voice.
Accordingly, what you are about to read might well be described as a last truthful look at themselves before plunging off the cliff into obsession.
“I spread the practice of ‘getting the goods’ being the EP [end phenomena] of ethics investigations. Why: Criminal mind let loose, training in on others to go for nasty evil purposes, to the exclusion of whys, because he [Marty Rathbun] considers everyone as evil and f***ed up as himself.”
“I know my TRs suck in life—that is my continuous missed withhold of committing more overts on post per hour than I can produce to counteract them.”
“My statistics are horrendous, including contributing to several of the largest legal losses in Church history and some of its worst PR flaps.”
“The central out ethics intention has been to attempt to go it alone and prove personal worth to the detriment of the group—disestablishing the group, misdirecting the group, the precise opposite of the purposes of this group.”
“I know I cannot be trusted to have a position of any authority from where I can throw others for a loop as I have been doing… If told to go iron out some line at some org, I would be hesitant and unconfident. The more I try the more harm I do. The biggest source of cross-orders and chaos and counter policy is from me.”
“I’ve come to realize, with no more assert to the contrary, that I am a Suppressive as an administrator. I understand I need to be replaced. Where I went under for good, and never recovered from, was the night everyone read the [Policies on Production and Exchange], they all finished and I was up the entire night and finished around noon the following day... It wasn’t just that incident—all study went the same and that was the breaking point. I knew from that point squarely—I was so far behind everyone else as an administrator, and was involved in so much full time ‘emergencies’ I’d never catch up as an administrator. For whatever reason I spend so much time clearing words, I don’t ever complete the assignments—I am way behind everybody else.”
“I created an operating climate of fear. I put on a tough-guy beingness, unfriendly, suspicious and menacing virtually everywhere I went on the base. I was snappy with people in general. I went around with a scowl like I was ready to knock anybody’s block off who made a wrong move. It created a hate atmosphere.”
“I instituted instant punishment and made an unsafe and destabilized environment.”
“I inverted Ethics technology to the point where it was used to protect SPs and freed them to make a dangerous environment for others. I grooved people in to heavy ethics—which amounted to punishment with no condition application, itself contributing to black PR of ethics, in that having no purpose to it, no one under my direction could get a result with it. Underlying all this was my own suppressive characteristics of using org position to defend self, rather than increase survival across the dynamics.”
“My operating basis has been to bring SPs onto the line of the most productive staff member in Scientology and make the environment unsafe by making each SP or external threat the all-important, consuming matter. I wind up reporting ‘what I am doing.’ Because I don’t apply Ethics, Tech or Policy, ‘what I am doing’ is finding out nasty entheta and putting it directly on staff lines. It is a suppressive activity.”
“I have acted as an avowed enemy over the past several years by continually reporting on how bad people are… while not producing a single product myself… This conduct is suppressive and insane.”
“On 7 occasions I boxed [name] ears or wrestled him to the ground. Once I hurt one of his ears pretty severely where I could tell it hurt him throughout the rest of the day.”
“I roughed up [name] on three occasions. I threw him up against a wall… I then grabbed him and forcibly led him outside into private for a tongue lashing... I chased him and tackled him down the stairs and shoved his head into the corner holding his jaw for several seconds... I grabbed [name] by the shirt and lifted him into a wall.”
“I just got more forceful with [name] to the point where I shoved him against walls and shook him on about 7 occasions.”
“I interrogated [name] with Rinder and [name]. I slammed him against the wall hard, and pinned his head against the wall with a firm grip on his jaw while I cursed at him loudly.”
“Counter policies I have been operating on and have spread:
If someone will continually flub and not duplicate orders, then blow them away to knock them out of their dramatization… To the exclusion of all Debug Tech, Cramming Tech, and Ethics Tech.
Harass people into compliance.
Spend most of my time enforcing prohibitions—and don’t spend any time enforcing those doingnesses that are required to get products out.
Whack a guy a few times to get him into present time. If he continues to act not with it, then give up and go find another cycle to handle or hope something changes.”
“I have been operating on pretense. I grooved in my operating basis of not getting involved in any production. In short, covering up and false reporting on a routine basis, and disestablishing command channels by randomly busting people off of them.”
“The intentions and objectives of Chairman of the Board are to Keep Scientology Working in all aspects—100% standard tech and admin through 100% standard high-quality organizations continually expanding at an accelerating rate through upgraded dissemination, tech and management units… The intentions and objectives of the group I have become part of are evil, arrogant intentions… while making the rest of the planet wrong.”
“My actions were squirrel and you won't find any justification for them in Standard Tech.”
“Bottom line is that I have had a totally criminal moral code and operated with a totally criminal mind attitude that I have not fully confronted (even down to lying about lying and doing illegal things).”
“With all the justifications I have had in place, telling the truth under certain circumstances was in my universe no different than telling a lie or withholding.”
“I was very lazy and did everything based on the ‘seat of my pants.’ From the outset I have been off purpose and out ethics.”
“I wanted to be important and maintain my status and I put that well before the well being of the organization. I have been anti-organization. I have had to lessen the importance of the organization and group in order to continue to live with the overts [transgressions] I committed.”
“I avoided responsibility by deliberately remaining ignorant of situations, hoping that a junior would handle them. This ‘it’s got nothing to do with me’ attitude in flying my hats right up the Org Board. This was motivated by a cowardly desire to have someone other than me to blame if the situation blows up. It ignored the actual consequences, because when these situations explode, it has always been Chairman of the Board who handled them… I have done this many times throughout the years—from legal cases to media situations and government attacks.”
- “The cost to the Church through my neglect of situations has been huge, because these situations have blown up and turned into hugely expensive matters in terms of both money and distraction.”
“My statistics suck—I don’t get anything really done because everything is off purpose. The accomplishments I have had have always been related to things COB was doing, and I’ve totally lost sight of that and deluded myself that I have done more than I am really capable of doing.”
“I have a great deal to do to make up for the disasters I have created that have truly turned me into an enemy of LRH, COB and Scientology. The higher the level of responsibility and trust that is placed in one, the greater the overts are when these are violated and I have done so continuously, while asserting I have been ‘on the team’ and ‘with it’ when I have not been.”
“Over the years, as I committed more and more overts and created bigger and bigger disasters in my wake—I would ‘not-is’ and ‘negate’ things and hope they go away, and then when that doesn’t happen they have to be made less of in order to justify why nothing has been done about them. This operating basis created catastrophes, situations that have actually kept COB off his post handling the disasters for years on end… I see now how suppressive, off Source and psychotic my actions and attitudes have been.”
“I have been engaged in my own game of trying to prove my own rightness—and that has been the senior thing in my universe, and this is suppressive to the whole of Scientology, because I have been off purpose and operating on a personal motive, know-best and squirrel.”
“I have committed Suppressive Acts over an extended period of time. I have admitted it and said so. But, I have been unwilling to be fully responsible for it.”
“My motivations for a long time have been First Dynamic oriented—attempting to protect my reputation and position as a senior datum to the expansion and well being of Scientology. I constantly convince myself otherwise, but that is the bottom line truth.”
“Callousness and disdain for staff became my habit. I lessened the overts against staff by making them unimportant. I have been callous and arrogant towards staff, insensitive to their feelings, making less of them looking down on them and treating them as unimportant (i.e. not as ‘important’ as me).”
“I got very upset with [name] and pushed him against the wall in my office and then pushed him out of my office. There were other staff present. This was not ok as physical abuse is uncalled for and resolves nothing.”
“I punched [name]. It was a wild animal reaction and uncalled for. He pointed his finger at me and I punched him in my office.”
“I destroyed [name] confidence and made her life miserable. I saw her through my own eyes and black heart and accused her of what I had done many times to others.”
“[Name] was called over by Marty and attacked by Marty for not doing something. Marty beat him up and he was very shaken up. I didn’t have the courage to counter Marty.”
“The consequences of my actions are terrible. I had mired myself so deep that I could no longer see anything except motivators.”
“I have really examined the actions that I have taken that have made me an enemy of Scientology… I have nullified the importance of the Sea Org and thereby undermined it, yet this is the LRH handling for salvaging this planet… The enemy actions I was engaged in were destructive to all of Scientology and ultimately every person on Earth. The magnitude of the overts is almost incomprehensible.”
“In truth, I have not been being a Scientologist, let alone a Sea Org member. I had less insistence on applying the tech to myself than regular Scientologists.”
“I’ve had a tendency to lie.”
“I began to false report and give false assurances. The more I handled it in my own way the more trouble and chaos I caused. Had I not been on the lines it would have been better. I didn’t increase stats but actually decreased them. I didn’t support the flow or power. I drained it and didn’t use it to move things forward.”
“I have been an avowed and knowing enemy specifically toward organizations as a subject; to rules, laws, policy, agreements and the like and have operated solely on the basis of how many of these could I break. Not unknowingly, but outright, purposely and with forethought violating what I could. If there were something for me to do I would look up getting it done in violation of every rule. If it meant being part of a group, I worked to individuate myself from it. If it meant not doing something, I would do it. If it meant keeping in organizational patterns I broke them in spite. If it meant being honest I would lie.”
“I have pretended to be loyal. I have operated to make myself right and others wrong and prove it by stopping such projects and have been insane and suppressive.”
“I was being destructive. By pretending to be an executive what I was actually doing was camouflaging the real scene and hiding the fact I didn’t have any control at all.”
“I limited my responsibilities. I then began to fall further and further behind. The solution then became to start false reporting and lie. All I was doing was trying to cover my tracks of false reports... I caused chaos as a result.”
“I operated insanely spending money with no responsibility for what I was now doing and no concept of the destructive consequences across the dynamics.”
“I made a deal (illegally) and ended up losing the church $1,000,000.”
“I want to make back every penny that I blew through my financial irregularities. I worked out that I am responsible for close to $10,000,000 in this way.”
“Specifically and in short... I committed financial crimes by signing work orders and committing expenses without any authority… I withheld these facts from COB completely.”
“I drove fear into people with my physical handling of people. I was very close with Marty and we worked together. I looked at Marty as an OL [opinion leader] and we got along very well. I would lead the charge and Marty would follow behind me. If needed Marty would force or threat of force was used to get what we wanted. Marty and I beat up some people [name], [name], Mike Rinder and others. I knew I was enturbulating the group. I was out of control and could see how it affected others. Marty helped me. We worked together. We were withholding it from COB.”