Marty Rathbun: Public Announcement

This document was self-originated and self-authored by Marty Rathbun. It is a description of his misconduct, failings and ecclesiastic crimes—in his own words.

28 September 2003

Public Announcement

I am writing this public announcement to inform executives and staff that I have come to my senses and I am no longer committing present time overts and have ceased all attacks and suppressions on Scientology. I am applying Steps A-E of HCO PL Suppressive Acts Suppression of Scientology and Scientologists because my continuous actions over the past two decades have suppressed Scientology dissemination and the purposes of this base. It has been carefully masked by a façade of being important or working on important things. It is all the more insidious because that "importance" has been by association with COB.

I instigated a pattern of operation that is 180 degrees opposite to the purpose of orgs, this base, and ethics and justice. By enforcing parts of this pattern on others by order or example, I have driven in the following pattern.

Hear of a bugged production area. Bypass all seniors and base HCOs, and find a target… Interrogate the individual for personal out ethics and bad intentions.

Write up a report… that contains lurid details, making the target out to be an incorrigible threat.

Write it in such a way that some senior or [personnel officer] feels compelled to take the target off post or tell the person myself he is busted.

Write the report in such a way to justify my existence by proving the base is dangerous and requires my "services."

Do nothing to get the target replaced. Do nothing to get out the product that the target was not getting produced.

The end result is unmocked org form, overworked and enturbulated executives and staff, bad news about the intentions and activities of staff members, lowering production and morale and the creation of "threats" to justify my own existence and suppressive operating basis.

This suppressive operating basis was employed to try to maintain the false impression that I have some other production record externally that warrants me maintaining a high position. In fact, this is a fraud I have perpetrated. On external lines my operation is the same—it consists of the [suppressive] characteristic of only restimulating and never destimulating. That is, when there is a threatening situation or suit, I get the [external affairs] staff and attorneys wound up toward "destroying the threat." This has resulted in some very expensive situations becoming much bigger than they were (specifically the Wollersheim case and RICO cases) and winding up on COB's plate to terminatedly handle. Each and every time on major situations, COB has had to intervene to clean up wars I had exacerbated. For example, left to my own devices in handling IRS litigation, the end result would undoubtedly have been no exemption, a billion-dollar tax bill, and possible shutting down of the Church. I have developed a slick false PR technique of positioning myself as having been integral in handling threats during and after the fact, when they are actually terminatedly handled by COB. By calculation I have lost the Church 43 million dollars on losses and expenses that could have been avoided.

By perpetuating these operations internally and externally, the worst suppression has been visited upon COB RTC. It is the worst suppression because COB RTC is the person who has single-handedly salvaged Scientology from potential external ruin, and single-handedly salvaged Scientology itself by holding the line technically, administratively, and on dissemination. Had he not been here and done what he has, Scientology would have been lost. There is no slightest doubt about that. The cumulative amount of COB's time I have cost in terms of dropping balls, creating situations internally and externally, is on the order of eight years. If that time were recouped, there is no doubt we would have at least double to triple the amount of orgs, …we'd have thousands of missions…and we would be very well on the way to a clear planet.

The motivations for these acts are a psychotic computation for self-preservation: keep enough chaos and threat stirred up in the environment, make myself appear to be a solution to it instead of the instigator of it, and lots of people go down and remain in turmoil while I go unrecognized as the source of it and survive.

I recognize my actions have been unfounded and ignorant and destructive in the extreme. There is no conspiracy connected with this pattern of suppression, except a portion of it. That is Mike Rinder who has gone into tacit agreement with me on making nothing of situations, false reporting on them, and allowing them to expand until they explode on COB's plate to handle. The rest of the operation described in this announcement is an individuated and psychotic activity. I know of no one who agrees with it or condones it, or who participated in some part of it except by having been sufficiently electrified or intimidated by me to act reactively or to think it was somehow pro-survival for the group.

(signed by Marty Rathbun)